Get DeviceId in Ionic
DeviceId is a distinct number associated with a smartphone. DeviceId means Device Identification, every mobile phone has unique device id associated to identify. These device identification unique constant for a lifetime. It changes when factory reset performed on a mobile phone.
deviceready() function
deviceready() function ready to get all data from mobile phone. The function calls, when the app is ready for a mobile phone.
document.addEventListener("deviceready", function () {
//deviceready function
UUID is ordered to make a connection. UUID is a universally unique identifier standard 28-bit format for a string id used to uniquely identify information.
var demo = device.uuid
Get all data about a mobile phone like device operating system name and version of the operating system.
var demo = device.platform
The version will get the operating system version.
var demo = device.version
Cordova device plugin
It will give related information about phone(Device information, Cordova version, unique identifier, model number, platform details)
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device
angular.module('home.ctrl', [])
.controller('homeCtrl' , ['$cordovaDevice' , function($cordovaDevice) {
//add the $cordovadevice in the controller, then you can access device plugin.
angular.module('home.ctrl', [])
.controller('homeCtrl' , ['$cordovaDevice' , function($cordovaDevice) {
var device = $cordovaDevice.getDevice();
var device = $cordovaDevice.getCordova();
var device = $cordovaDevice.getModal();
var device = $cordovaDevice.getPlatform();
var device = $cordovaDevice.getUUID();
var device = $cordovaDevice.getVersion();