Drag and Drop in angular 4
Drag and drop provide draggable & droppable directives and transfer a data from draggable and droppable. Through this, we can restrict drag and drop by the scopes and ability to add custom CSS.
Install angular latest
npm install -g @angular/cli
Create an angular project
ng new demoname
Angular serve
ng serve
Install Drag and drop
npm i angular4-drag-drop --save
import { DragDropDirectiveModule} from "angular4-drag-drop";
1) DragDirective
2) DropDirective
DragDirective, emitted an event by dragging and drop directive will accept an event from drag directive and drop an element in the module.
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { DemoComponent } from "./components/demo-component";
import { DragDropDirectiveModule} from "angular4-drag-drop";
imports: [
declarations: [DemoComponent],
bootstrap: [DemoComponent]
export class AppModule {}
dragDirective - The dragdirective emits the array value when the array has a local variable as drag and values are passed through it to drop element.dragHighlight - If custom CSS has added in the module, drag highlight will pass a custom CSS to the drop CSS class list of the element.
releaseDrop - Its the main function in drag directive, it will call a function, once the value is dropped, the user can splice the element in drag module.
startDrag - This function is used to identify that user dragging the item.
In HTML page
<div *ngFor="let drag of drag" [dragDirective]='drag' [dragHightlight]="'highlight'" (releaseDrop)="dragorder($event)" (startDrag)="startDrag(s)">
In typescript page
Declare a array name as drag and insert value.
Now call a function to drag a value from drag directive and insert to drop directive module.
private dragorder(event){
let index = this.timetable.indexOf(event);
dropDirective - The dropdirective add an array value from drag module and making it a drop target.dropHighlight - If custom CSS has added in the module, drag highlight will pass a custom CSS to the drop CSS class list of the element.
dropEventMouse - DropEventmouse is the main function of the dropdirective module. This will accept from emitting from drag event and it will give x and y coordinate. If you wish to get dropped array item just as
let droppedObject = JSON.parse(event.dataTransfer.getData('text'));
In HTML page
<div *ngFor="let drop of drop" dropDirective (dropEventMouse)="droporder($event)" class="droppable" [dropHighlight]="'highlight'">{{drop.name}}</div>
In typescript page
Declare a array name as drop and insert value.
Call a function for accepts the emit of events from drag module and add it drop directive module.
private droporder(event){let droplet droppedObject = JSON.parse(event.dataTransfer.getData('text'));this.drop.push(droppedObject.object);}