AlphaOnly Directives
This only allows the alphabets in the input box. use this directive to block other than alphabets in this functionalities
Save these directives and name it as allowalphaOnly
@HostListener('keyup', ['$event']) onKeyUp(event) {
let value = this. eleRef.nativeElement.value;
value = this. functionCall(value);
this. eleRef.nativeElement.value = value;
@HostListener('paste', ['$event']) onPaste(event) {
this. eleRef.nativeElement.value =
this.functionCall(_.replace(this. eleRef.nativeElement.value, /[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/g, ''));
functionCall(value) {
value = _.replace(value, /^\s/g, '');
value = _.replace(value, /[^a-zA-Z]/g, '');
return value;